Sunday, September 23, 2007

RAMBLING: Blue Jean Designer Queen

I recently bought a pair of Seven for All Mankind jeans. I had wanted a pair for a very long time, but I got pregnant and then in turn, "fat." I say fat in quotes because I'm one of those people who uses the word fat and then everyone around me goes, no you're NOT! LOL But most designer denim barely goes to size 32 and certainly doesn't beyond. And I couldn't fit a 32 without having a bulge.

Now let's talk about that post-pregnancy bulge for a second. What is that THING? And why doesn't it leave? I am at a decent weight for my height. I, like MOST women, would love to lose 10 or so pounds. But I've come to realize that even with weightloss, my belly still protrudes. It's like a permanent badge that says hey I had a baby.

Oh well, back to the jeans. I bought a pair of Sevens, found them at Nordstrom Rack, still paid a pretty penny but they weren't full price. And I LOVE the damn things. They make my non-existent butt look FAB and they make my already long legs, look slender and longer. People may laugh at the price tag, but seriously NO non-designer denim has that kind of power. The problem would be that now I want MORE pairs.

All in Due Time,

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